Importance of colour manufacturers adhering to various legislations

Behind every purchase made by a customer, lies his trust in the quality of the product. Be it food, cosmetic, or medicines, the consumer ends up making the purchase without any precursory research. To honour this faith, it is essential for the manufacturers to produce and sell only the safest products at all costs.

Evidently, consumption of unsafe food and cosmetic leads multiple health problems causing negative impact on public health.2 Therefore, developing and developed countries invest efforts to design legislations and regulations that ensure complete safety of manufactured products.

As a manufacturer of cosmetic and food industry dyes and pigments, it is essential to adhere by the laws enforced by government.  A few important regulations that are required by food and cosmetic dye manufacturers include:

FSSAI, IS 4707, Schedule Q (India)

While using dye colours for manufacturing creams and lipsticks, it is essential that they comply to IS 4707 (Part I). According to this rule, the permitted Synthetic Organic Colors and Natural Organic Colors used in the Cosmetic shall not contain more than1

• 2 ppm (parts per million) of Arsenic calculated as Arsenic Trioxide1
• 20 ppm of lead calculated as lead1
• 100 ppm of heavy metals other than lead calculated as the total of the respective metals1

EC Directive 231/2012, JECFA, EC Directive 1223/2009 (Europe Continent)

Commission Regulation (EU) No. 231/2012 laying down specifications for food additives listed in Annexes II and III to Regulation (EC) No. 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council.3

USA continent – CFR Title 21

The CFR Part 1 lists down general enforcement regulations with regards to Cosmetics, Drugs, Exports, Food labeling, Imports, Labeling, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements 4

*Kindly check for references as mentioned at the footnotes.

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Ref 2:

Ref 3:

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Neelikon Colours Global

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