All that glitters is not gold. Here’s why

Admit it. Shimmers and pastels in vanity kits will probably never run out of steam. Excitingly enough, there are recurring sights of metallic lip gloss & pastel eyeshadowsstrutting on the rampand streets, and how they have become synonymous with fashion over the years!However, in the midst of all this glitz and glamour, have you ever wondered if safety and environmental compliance are equally being leveraged by the manufacturers?

It’s a no-brainer that cosmetics are made from dyes, chemicals, and several ingredients that may or may not have the best repercussions for skin. As manufacturers, apart from keeping up with the industry trends, it’stherefore fundamental to agree with the safety protocols to manufacture high-quality dyes and pigments. A variety of cosmetic and personal care products are reported to have heavy metals like lead, arsenic, mercury, etc. that can accumulate inside the body and can be fatal in nature.

Whilst the palette is vast and varied for cosmetics, one should be conscious of the fact that only specific dyes are applied in manufacturing of pigments for lips, eyes, cheeks, etc.  These dyes, lakes, and pigments are sieved through stringent quality tests by concerned regulatories. FDA being the major custodian for consumer’s safety, puts up multi-step protocols for manufacturers to demonstrate the safety of their product. Right from choosing the safe ingredient, and all the way to defining a safe range, safe product use, cumulative exposure and post-market surveillance.1

Further, in addition to adherence of national laws, attending to international regulatories is mandatory, too. The more laws compliedtoduring manufacturing, the safer the end product is. Some of them include-EC, USFDA, CFR, JECFA, Japan, BIS, EN 713, etc.

Neelikon, offers a scopic range of natural, synthetic, and organic pigments for multiple applications in cosmetic industry. As an established entity in the production of dyes, lakes, and pigments, Neelikonstrictly abides by all national, international, and USFDA laws. So,while a varied portfolio remains an unmistaken part of its product offering, quality, too, continues to be of paramount importance. Now, that’s what we term as getting the best of both worlds!

*Kindly check for references as mentioned at the footnotes.

Although based on our general experience, the information presented herein is believed to be reliable, Neelikon makes no representation or guarantee as to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of the information. Due to various factors that are outside our control, we cannot accept liability from reliance on this information under any circumstances.

Ref 1:


Neelikon Colours Global

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