New Regulations of Sunset Yellow in India

The new regulation laid-down by BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS brings more stringent parameters in the specification of Sunset Yellow with regard to safety for consumers in Indian market. This will lead to better quality products in-accordance with major international legislations in food. The following changes are to be made:

  • Sudan 1 impurity (Subsidiary Dyes) – As per the new specification, BIS has incorporated Sudan Red 1 content to be less than 1 ppm. Previously this parameter was not defined in the specification. Vide Commission Directive 2006/33/EC of 20th March 2006 European Commission Regulation defined the specification of Sudan Red 1 to be less than 0.5 ppm in Sunset Yellow.
  • Lead – As per the new regulation, the limit for the heavy metal Lead has been reduced to 2 ppm from the previous limit of 10 ppm. European Commission Regulation (EC) vide its directive (EU) No 231/2012 of March, 2012 changed the limit of Lead content from 10 ppm to 2 ppm.
  • JECFA had also recommended to maintain the lead limit in all the Food colours to be less than 2 ppm.

As per the new specification, subsidiary dyes are divided into two parts,

  • Part a: Lower sulfonated dyes including traces of Orange II is 3% max.
  • Part b: Colours other than “trisodium 2-hydroxy-1-(4-sulphophenyazo) naphthalene 3,6, disulfonate” is 2% max.

For Calcium Stable Sunset Yellow this “trisodium 2-hydroxy-1-(4-sulphophenyazo) naphthalene 3,6, disulfonate” is required which comes under higher sulfoanated subsidiary dyes. This is clearly excluded from the above specification. Therefore, Calcium Stable Sunset Yellow cannot be used according to the new BIS specification.

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