Dyes Pigments and the Environment

Impact of Indian Environmental Regulation on production of colourants.

“You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow, by evading it today.”
-Abraham Lincoln

The presence of dyes and pigments across industry is undeniably huge. Their range of application is massive. It ranges from food, cosmetics, personal care, pharmaceuticals, textile, and goes on and on. The increasing demands of these colourants, requires manufacturing of these dyes and pigments on a large scale. However, it is the law of nature, that excess of everything is bad. Proof of which is the deteriorating quality of the environment. Dye and pigment manufacturers will agree in unison to it. Of course, there’s a reason why this industry sector falls in the red category list of the Central Pollution Control Board.

According to the Constitution of India, it is the duty of the State and the citizens to save and improve the environment of the nation. To enforce this attitude among all, The Department of Environment was set up in 1980 by the Indian Government. Today, it is functioning as the Ministry of Environment and Forest and has laid down multiple acts that streamline the following laws that aim at prevention, control and abatement of pollution-

  • The Water Act, 1974
  • The Air Act, 1981
  • The environment Protection Act, 1986

On the basis of Pollution Index (PI), the CPCB has categorized industries in RED, ORANGE, GREEN, and WHITE. Industries that have a score of 60 and above fall under the RED category.

It is a no brainer, that majority of the pollution that happens in the environment is a result of the industrial sector boom. Thus, as responsible manufacturers, there is a need to understand the purpose this categorization. Compliance with these laws is vital to ensure consistency in achieving the environmental objective of the nation.

The expansion of dyes and pigments industry is inevitable. Catering to this growth, is Neelikon. As a responsible manufacturer, based in India and as a supplier across the nations, Neelikon is willing to embrace cleaner technologies, and facilities that ensure self-assessment for pollution control.

*Kindly check for references as mentioned at the footnotes.

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Ref 1: https://pib.gov.in/newsite/printrelease.aspx?relid=137373

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